Sunday, June 16, 2013

Easton turns 6!

I can't believe this little fella turned 6 a couple weeks ago!  CRAZY!  Easton LOVES donuts so that is what he got for his birthday breakfast.  Good thing I did this for breakfast because he didn't get cake or cupcakes with the family later that day from me.  I did make cupcakes but I brought them to his classroom so he could celebrate with his class.  Blair and Dyer came with me and each got a cupcake so I figured if they all got some cake then we were good to go!  Easton said something to Valerie later that night about not getting any cake.  Luckily she happened to have preschool graduation that same day and had left over mini cupcakes so she saved me and brought some over!  I felt a little guilty for not having something for him.

He couldn't even wait until we put a candle in and sang to him before he took a bite!

Nathan was working nights that week so we celebrated in the morning right when he got home and before Easton went to school.  I think Easton was a little annoyed that he didn't get to enjoy any of his gifts before he had to get ready for school.  Oh well, at least he didn't have to wait until after dinner to open his gifts.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes and gifts!  Easton loved them all!

Happy 6th Birthday Easton Layne!  I hope you had a wonderful day and I hope you know how special you are.  We sure love you!

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