Sunday, January 1, 2023

Valerie's visit

Since we were fairly new to the area and Valerie was our first visitor, Valerie by default became our guinea pig.  Most things were a first for all of us.

Perrine Coulee Falls:
Nathan and I actually walked down to this falls before we moved here with one of Nathan's co workers but we didn't walk behind it though.  That was a first for us.

We took the two youngest with us since the two oldest had mutual that night.  Blair was actually paddle boarding in the water down below with the YW.

Behind the falls

We took Valerie to a restaurant and just outside you can go to an overlook and see the same waterfall from above. 

We decided to check out the visitors center.  The kids (minus Dyer-he didn't want to get in trouble...) decided to climb on the Perrine Bridge model.

The actual Perrine Bridge
Parachute jumpers jump off this bridge all the time.  I haven't seen any yet but maybe next summer we'll make it down to see it sometime.  I've seen jumpers either right after they jumped or getting ready to jump.

We took the kids to the Herrett Center.  I might want to go back sometime without the kids (younger kids) so I can enjoy it a little more.  They also have a planetarium there that I think we need to check out sometime.

We took her down to Shoshone Falls aka "The Niagara of the West"

Dierkes Lake

Only the girls got in.  The boys were party poopers!  They just sat and complained the whole time (one boy more so than the other).

We wore this little one out!

Nathan had the day off so we took a kayaking/paddle boarding trip to Blue Heart Springs

I took Eden with me.
KK was very upset about this but I wasn't sure how I was going to kayak with two little ones.

In the end I'm not sure if Valerie was glad she went on this trip with us...I think we may have gone a little too long.  Easton even towed her for quite a while.


It took Dyer a while to finally get the hang of paddling his kayak.

Easton and KK
Easton hardly ever had a break.  He either had KK with him or he was towing Valerie or Blakely behind him.

As soon as she got on her board she was off!  

We finally made it to Blue Heart Springs!  Blakely wanted to jump in!  It was freezing (about 58 degrees)!  I only put my hand in and that was enough for me.

Blakely wanted to try paddle boarding so Nathan switched her.  KK jumped on with Nathan so Easton could tow Valerie.

Blue Heart Springs
  See how clear and blue it is?  The spring comes from the ground below so you see bubbles coming from the bottom.

Eden eventually fell asleep!

Back on the paddle board with KK

Nice waterfalls

Easton finally on his own!

Blakely finally made it!

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