Sunday, January 1, 2023

Roaring Springs Water Park

 We had this trip planned for a while but then my AC coolant went out again (not a fan of Ford dealerships...long story at the end of this post if you care to hear about it) so I was just going to have Nathan take the oldest 4 in his car and I would stay home with the youngest 2.  That way my car could stay at the shop and get worked on.  Nathan was adamant that we all needed to go so we picked up my car from the shop and had a very long and hot car ride to and from Boise.  By the time we got there we were all ready to jump in the cold water!  The reason Nathan was adamant that we all go was because he invited my sister and her family to join us - surprise!

This was Easton's first long drive!

KK's first time on a waterslide

Eden's first time going down a waterslide.

Underwater pic!

Cousin pics- youngest to oldest (with the exception of Eden)
KK-5, Karsyn-8, Blakely-8, Adisyn-10, Dyer-11, Eden-2, Blair-13, Ashlyn-14, Easton-15, Kadyn-15

We need to get together more often because the kids didn't really seem know each other so they kind of didn't hang out a whole lot.  I didn't really get to hang out with my sister much because of the two youngest.  They were too small to go on the big slides where most everyone else was.  

Long Car Story:

My AC coolant went out in California so we took it to the dealership.  They said that they couldn't find a leak so they filled it back up with coolant (spendy for what it is) that had dye in it so if there was a leak they could find it the next time my coolant went out.  Of course this happened mid fall so I didn't need to use my AC for that much longer.  

Fast forward to spring when it started getting hot again and what do you know...My AC coolant went out again.  We brought it back and it was a nightmare...They of course couldn't find the leak so they suggested that we most likely needed to replace some part (over $2k-it might have been $4k but I can't remember now...super expensive though) plus we had to put more coolant back in (still ridiculously expensive for the amount of work it takes to put that in).  Not to worry though because the part is under warranty! They had my car for over 10 days and never gave us any updates over the phone.  Nathan called many times and they never answered or called back.  It turned out that their secretary got covid and was out of the office so they just fell apart.  Eventually Nathan drove over there and found out that they didn't have the part they needed and they didn't want to put my car back together (short staffed because of covid).  So it just sat there.  Oh, and they wouldn't give us a rental car because all their rental cars were already being used...awesome!  Thanks!  I think they told us that my part would come in on a Monday and a couple days later they actually called us and told us we could bring our car in to get it fixed....ummmm my car is there!  Right?!?

Fast forward again to beginning of Aug. (the day before Valerie got here) and my AC coolant went out again.  Don't worry they say...the part is under warranty!  Nathan calls up the Ford dealership here and explains what is happening and they say, "We are booked out for over 6 weeks.  We suggest you bring it back to the dealership you got the work done at."  REALLY?!?  Thanks!  Nathan goes out and buys coolant and the tools necessary to fill it up.  It worked great for that day but by the next day it was back to not working.  Obviously there was a really bad leak somewhere.  Nathan was able to get my car in at a different place but it seemed as though my nightmare was on repeat.  They couldn't find the leak but they were going to put in coolant with dye so they could find the leak if it happened again (it was 1/2 the price to put the coolant in here than it was in California-crazy!).  Well, what do you happened again the next day.  I didn't want to be stuck at home the whole time Valerie was here so we just suffered through it - windows down and lots of water!  We brought the car back and eventually they found a leak in the back AC unit!  ummmmm why the heck did California not look for a leak in the back AC unit?!?  Why the heck did they replace some ridiculously expensive part that clearly didn't need to be replaced?!?  I could go on and on but I'll just say that I was ticked off!  

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