Sunday, January 8, 2023

September 2022

Picking up kids from school is about the only time this little one gets a nap anymore...

BYU Football!

One of my ministering sisters brought over blackberries from her sons garden.  We ate some but then I made a blackberry crisp with the rest.  It turned out well!

We went over to one of Nathan's co-workers and picked a bunch of peaches.  We mainly canned and froze most of the fruit.


Nathan bought a paddle board and a huge paddle board/kayak combo.  We had to take them out before the weather cooled off!  We actually now own two of the huge ones.  The original one got lost in the mail so the company sent us another one.  About a month later the original one came.  We brought it to a shipping store to return it back to amazon but somehow it came back to us...I don't think the shipping store put the return label on it.  We kept forgetting to return it again so the company charged us for the second one....oops!  Oh well now we have enough paddle boards/room for the whole family!

Dierkes Lake

The boys lost interest in the paddle boards and decided to try and fish using nets!

Easton actually caught one!

Nathan, Blakely and Easton were the only ones brave enough to jump off the cliff.

Nathan ended up loosing his sunglasses...

Blakely did a belly flop!

And Easton gave himself a bloody nose!

We took the whole family climbing at the indoor climbing facility.

They have a little area for younger kids.



Even Eden climbed but was scared most of the time.  She loved the slide though.

KK attempting the bigger wall.  That's about as high as she would go though.


Somehow I didn't get a picture of Dyer or Nathan...

Getting ready for Halloween!  We decided to go with Jurassic Park/World theme.
Blakely as Blue

Nathan had the day off so we took Eden to pick some raspberries.  We ended up making raspberry jam.

KK as Beta

The boys got a nice surprise when we got home from church one Sunday.  A mouse fell into the window well and was trapped.  It was a very friendly mouse.  Luckily we were able to put a board down there and the mouse was eventually able to climb out. 

It happened again about two months later but that mouse wasn't soo lucky.

She sure LOVES to shake that booty!

Crazy rain/wind

Eden as a pterodactyl!

She loved flapping her wings and saying "flap, flap, flap!"

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