Sunday, January 8, 2023


Dyer's team went undefeated in their league.  They did loose a game against a team from Boise but it was just a pick up game.  Most of Dyer's teammates have been playing with each other since 4th grade.  His coach scored tickets to a Boise State game and took the whole team up there.  They skipped the last two hours of school to make it up there in time to get a tour of the stadium.  Apparently one of Nathan's co-workers had a son on the team but we didn't figure it out until I think their last regular game.  Dyer's excited to play next year on his school's team.  They don't have tackle football for 6th graders.

Helped bring the guy down.

Cheer squad!

Almost got the other player.

Someone got really dirty during Dyer's game.  This was just at halftime so you can imagine how dirty she got by the end of the game.

Helped pull him down.

League Champions!

Dyer got a championship ring from his coach.

Team award ceremony

The league put on a dinner for the league champions.  They got another championship ring!

Those rings are heavy!

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