Friday, December 30, 2022



If you didn't know...this girl is a booty shaker!

Easton finished Drivers Ed!  He should have finished back in July but his instructor decided to take a 2 week vacation...I don't have anything against his instructor taking a vacation but it was the timing that was really lame.  Easton only had his last drive left  and you would think either of the instructors could do the last drive but this particular instructor insists on doing the last drive (this is the parent drive which is his favorite drive).  I get that he likes to get to know the parents a little better and be the one to hand over the permit but it was really annoying that he wouldn't let the other instructor do it-who was more than willing to do it.  Why do the students have to suffer because of his poor timing?  This left a lot of students upset because your 6 month mark to get your license doesn't start until you officially complete drivers ed.  So Easton has to technically wait 2 weeks longer now to get his license. 

She loves all glasses (sun glasses, motion sickness glasses, goggle glasses).

Valerie came for a visit-that will be another post.

We finally got the band room put together.  We might add some things on the 2 remaining walls but for now it is done.

We met up with my sister in Boise-that will be another post.
The kids started school-again that will be another post.

Blakely was so excited to go to her first party in Idaho.  It was going to be a nerf gun battle.  We got there a few minutes early and walked around trying to find a nerf party but couldn't find one.  It turned out that the party was the next day (Sunday).  Oops!  I guess I just figured in Idaho if you want kids to show up to your birthday party you probably want to make sure it is on a Saturday...I guess next time I'll need to read the invitations a little better before I RSVP.  Blakely just ended up dropping the gift off at the kids house that evening and explaining that we thought it was that day and not the next day.  She was pretty bummed about it.

Dyer started football

Finished my kid picture wall.


Dyer's football Jamboree

Dyer's the one with the blue practice jersey on.  Most of his team played last year so they were using their uniforms from last year because their new ones weren't ready yet.

The Jamboree wasn't anything like I thought it was going to be.  I thought they were going to play a mini game against every team in the league.  They ended up playing only 2 mini games - one was only offense and the other was only defense.  I felt bad because Gpa and Gma Stockton and Gpa and Gma Kelsey came to support Dyer and he really only played 5 minutes (half of one mini game).  They drove at least 2 hours each way.

Dyer was close to getting the quarterback.

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