Friday, May 6, 2022

Trip to Hawaii

The next day we flew to Hawaii for spring break!  We had quite the adventure getting there.  Eden has always had motion sickness.  I handed her some orange flavor chewable Dramamine about 30 minutes before we were going to leave for the airport and assumed she took it because she usually takes it no problem.  Well about 20-30 minutes into our trip she starts puking and honestly doesn't stop until we get to the airport.  I lost track after 6 times.  We went through so many puke bags!  Poor Dyer was sitting next to her and had to try and contain as much of the puke as he could.  And then to make things worse KK started to feel sick as well.  Unfortunately we didn't get a bag back to her and opened in time so she puked all over herself and a little on Easton.  It was a lovely start to our trip!  Once we got to the airport we tried cleaning up the girls as best we could but we were short on time.  By the time we made it to our gate they were more than halfway done boarding!  

Eden's first time on a plane

Of course the mask mandate was still being enforced even though it was supposed to end that day- I was really counting on not having to wear masks (apparently some flights stopped enforcing it but our pilot was very adamant that we were all going to wear our masks).  LAME!  Well, there was absolutely no way that Eden was going to wear a mask (she just turned 2 the day before-so technically she is now old enough and required to wear a mask).  We tried getting her to wear a mask a couple times the week leading up to our flight but she removed it seconds after putting it on.  I don't blame you baby girl!  Masks are the worst!  So what do you do when your child just turned 2 and apparently now is required to wear a mask but won't wear one? I guess you decide to LIE!!!  I'm not proud of it and Blair was very disappointed in me!  But seriously what do you do?  I'm almost sure that if I told them she was 2 and she refused to wear a mask (which she would have) that we would have been kicked off the flight.  The pilot and many of the crew were big sticklers when it came to mask wearing.  They even said on the flight that you should be wearing your mask while chewing your food between bites and between sips of your drink!  REALLY!?!  I might be trying to justify my lying but honestly what makes her more "dangerous" to the people around her than two days prior when she technically was still 1 and not required to wear a mask?  The answer is NOTHING!!!  I mean it's not like I was trying to cheat them out of money by not paying for her to fly.  Right?

Eden also got sick on the plane!  The poor girl was fast asleep when suddenly she woke up and started puking!  She did get a little on her jacket but most of it got in the bag they provide on the plane.  We might have took a couple of those bags with us for the rest of our Hawaiian trip!

Finally my mom's dream of going to Hawaii came true!

We got her this as a gift for her birthday back in August.  We tried to go back in October but had to cancel our trip due to COVID.

The kids were super excited too!  We tried a couple times with the kids to fly Space A (Military hop) but both times they didn't have enough room for (at the time) 7 of us.  Both flights only had room for half of us so we didn't end up going.  

Waiting to get our rental cars was an adventure too!  We spent over an hour waiting in a huge line just to check in and get our keys!  It was nuts!  By the end of the day we finally got some much needed food, made it to our rental and got settled in enough to take a quick walk on the beach as the sun was going down.


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