Thursday, May 5, 2022


April Fools Day:

I tried to make a pizza look like a bundt cake.  It was supposed to look similar to the picture above but it ended up like the picture below.

I knew the kids would be a little upset if they didn't have a dessert so with the left over pizza dough I made a dessert pizza..

Goodness this girl is getting sooo big!  All the rest of the kids have been in a toddler bed around 18 months.  The older kids ruined the toddler mattress we had (apparently it makes a really good punching bag, sled to go down the stairs with, and a trampoline) so I got rid of the toddler bed and decided I would just transition her into a twin bed.  But since we are moving soon I decided to hold off buying anything until after we move.

Easter breakfast and egg hunt:

Our Ward put together an Easter breakfast and egg hunt for the kids a couple weeks before Easter.





Afterwards we went and watched Easton and the young men play basketball.  Easton didn't score but he came close a couple times.  He had a couple assists though.

My mom came into town to go with us to Hawaii.  We took her to the Oakland temple as well!

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