Oh the many faces of Eden! I like how she was trying to copy Blair in their selfies together.
KK finally busted out her bathtub paint she got from Gpa and Gma Earnest
Nathan turned the BIG 40!!!!
Nathan's birthday ended up turning out to be similar to KK's. We were already going to be tight on time celebrating because of the kids' School of Rock schedule on Thursdays but when he went to drop off the older kids and pick up Blakely he got a phone call from a friend asking if he could help him give his wife and newborn baby a blessing. Their baby came about 12 weeks early! Nathan dropped off Blakely and changed into church clothes and drove about 45 minutes to help give a blessing. That's my Handsome though! Always happy and willing to help someone else out!
Originally I planned on having a surprise party for him but all our weekends in March were filling up fast. I finally figured out a day that would work but then Nathan told me he was going to help someone move that day... In the end I just gave up! Eventually it turns out that Nathan had the moving day wrong so I could have done it on the day I originally decided on but by the time we figured it out it was too late! There was no way I could pull it all together in less than 2 days! Bummer!
Again...what is with all the funny faces Eden?!? She cracks me up!
This one is good!
The school still won't let parents at the school for assemblies, but luckily they are willing to zoom them so I take a quick snap shot of my phone. It's the best I can do! Blakely got the award "trustworthiness"
I had to take a picture of the group because Blakely is so much taller than most everyone else!
A couple days later Dyer's grade had their awards ceremony. Dyer got Principal's Honor roll (All A's) again!
Dyer's basil plant that he grew from a seed back in December! He's named each plant but the only one I can remember is Tiny Tim! We've given him a haircut twice so far!
This little one LOVES all things puppies! She even likes to pretend that she is a puppy
The leprechaun left some treats at the end of the rainbow!
Rainbow Jello!
Blakely has been begging to go swim at Valerie's. Her and KK went over there to just swim in the hot tub but Blakely somehow convinced Valerie to let her jump in the pool and swim from one end to the other. Not only that but Blakely somehow got Valerie to pay her $6 to do it?!? I think she should have paid Valerie $6 to swim not the other way around...
I don't know how my kids do it...because Valerie (twice now) has paid Dyer $5 to cut his nails...again shouldn't Dyer be paying Valerie to cut his nails?!?
Nathan took Blakely out to get sushi!
I tried to get a picture to document Eden's first haircut! I forgot a before picture but this is kind of an after picture. However, I also noticed that this also documents potty training as well! We started potty training on Mar. 14th and she got her first haircut on Mar. 20th.
Potty training is going fairly well! She loves candy so she does it for the candy! You've got to start somewhere! She's been going #2 on the toilet since she was about 1 so that isn't anything new for her (she doesn't tell us when she has to go and sometimes has accidents but it's usually easy to tell when she has to go #2 so we quickly get her on the toilet).
We had a couple rough days before spring break because I was trying to cut back on the candy-like I said she does it for the candy! We didn't do very well during spring break in Hawaii because bathrooms weren't always easy to find or convenient. We had a couple rough days when we got back from Hawaii but this last week (beginning of May) she's telling me now when she has to go pee!!! Now to get her to tell me when she has to go #2! She still wear a pull up at night but she did wake up this morning dry! Yay!
I gave her her first haircut because her hair was different lengths and I wanted to try and even it up. It's still not exactly the same length because I didn't want to go too short but with her wavy/curly hair you hardly notice now!
We finally got around to updating our family pictures! I took this picture with my phone right before pictures. I'll have to post the pictures Jayli took next!
Blakely got sick (probably from swimming in Valerie's pool) and had to stay home for a week. She didn't have Covid (we tested her at home on a Monday but her cough was really bad). She was pretty upset that she didn't get to make a clock at school so she made her own at home! Trying to get her back in school was a nightmare. They wouldn't accept the first Covid test we took because she took it a week before she came back to school (I guess it was too long in between?). They wouldn't allow her back in class so I had to pick her up from school and get her another negative Covid test before she could come back. Of course we didn't have anymore at home tests so I had to take her on base. Luckily Nathan was able to get her an appointment but it was crazy busy because a ton of people were getting deployed so they needed Covid tests. The paper that I got said that it might take up to 5 days to get the results!?! Luckily it only took a few hours but can you imagine if we had to wait 5 days? By then the school probably would have said it was too long and would have made me get another one! It would have been a vicious cycle!
Of course some of us got sick right along with Blakely. Eden was one of them. One day I found her randomly asleep on the floor at about 10 am. She obviously wasn't feeling very well...
Gma Gretch sent Eden a couple early birthday presents.

The pants are a little long but before we know it I'm sure they will fit her!
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