Friday, May 6, 2022

Day 2 in Hawaii

Nathan and I went for a walk early in the morning to catch the sunrise

Tons of crab holes


Coconut sunrise

Another crab

Chicken-there are tons of chickens!

A lot of cats too!

We went to the Aloha stadium for the swap meet.  I didn't take any pictures but we came away with some souvenirs

Nathan-Hawaiian shirt
Me- pearl necklace and earrings
Easton-2 fedoras, a wooden croaking frog, and a metal ring toy (no idea what it is called)
Blair-woven purse
Dyer-Sunglasses and same metal ring toy Easton got
Blakely-bracelet and pan flute
KK-bracelet, pan flute, and pellet rattle drum
Gma- shirts and Hawaiian bracelets for the grandkids

After the swap meet we went out to eat some pizza.  They had some Ube ice cream (purple yam).  KK wanted a picture of her purple tongue.  It was a lot purplier in real life... 

Eventually we made our way to Pearl Harbor and took a boat ride out to the USS Arizona Memorial.  Nathan and I weren't able to do it last time because of a storm that was coming through so it was nice that we were able to do it this time.

I didn't take many pictures this day because I didn't have any pockets so Nathan had my phone all day!

More chickens!

Eden LOVED the chickens!  She would follow/chase them around.

Shaved Ice

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