Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Movies, playground, and Barnes and Noble

I took the kids to the Lego Movie 2.  I should have known better than to take McKinley because she is the worst in movies.  She definitely doesn't take after her siblings when it comes to screens.  The only thing that keeps her in a seat for any amount of time is popcorn.  Once the popcorn is gone, she is done!  I'm not sure if her and I even watched half the movie.  The rest of the kids enjoyed the movie.

Afterwards I took the kids across the street to the new playground they built.  It's a crazy maze contraption thing.

Where's Blakely and Blair?

Where's Dyer and Easton?

For Christmas Mr. Roger gave the kids each a gift card to Barnes and Noble.  Since we were over in Destin we decided to stop in and use the gift cards.  I thought all the kids would get books but apparently I was wrong!  I would have encouraged Dyer and Blakely to get a book but McKinley was throwing a massive fit (past nap time!) so I hurried them along as fast as I could.  They all seemed happy with their purchase so I guess we'll go with it.

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