Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Christmas at Valerie's

Valerie invited us over for Christmas.  I was really nervous flying with 5 kids by myself but for the most part everything went really smoothly.  The older kids were very helpful and listened fairly well. McKinley on the other hand was a bit more difficult.  She was not a fan of take offs and landings (especially landings...free fall feeling was the worst).  Luckily it was mainly just landings so other people only had to deal with her screaming/crying for the last 10-15 minutes of the plane ride.  She is not a thrill seeker like the rest of my kids.  In fact she hates amusement rides.  For about 1-2 months after our trip she even hated swings.  I think it reminded her of the plane ride...

We got to Valerie's about 11pm on Christmas Eve.

Christmas Day:
Christmas Pjs

McKinley finally woke up!

Present time!  The kids just went at it so it was hard to document.

Nathan joined us!

The kids loved Valerie's huge hill.  They ran up and down that thing tons of times.

Valerie and McKK

Hot tub time

We found a McKinley Avenue so we of course had to get a picture of McKinley in front of it.

On our way home...

This was the best part of the trip!!!  It didn't last long but it was a nice break!

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