Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Happy 2nd Birthday McKK!

McKinley woke up and was a little confused what was going on.

She loved her trampoline

This thing was a pain to put together.  I thought it would be an easy thing to put together but boy was I wrong.  I'm pretty sure it took me over an hour to put it together and by the end I had rope burns on my hands and I was sweating like crazy!  Who would have thought it would be a workout putting this thing together.  By the time I finally got it together, it was all skiddywampus so I took it apart and put it back together again.  Even after taking it apart and redoing it, it was still off.  She still had fun with it.

Ready for church

Easton helping her open her cards.

McKinley loves ice cream and doesn't seem to care too much for cake so I decided to make her a mud pie cake.  

Gift from Gma and Gpa Earnest

Apparently this is what happens when someone turns 2!

Going for a walk with her baby and stroller.

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