Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Easton gets the Priesthood

The church decided that come January 2019 that all young men turning 12 in 2019 would receive the Aaronic Priesthood and be able to pass the sacrament.  It also meant that Easton would be starting Young Men's and be able to attend the temple and do baptisms for the dead.  In the past you had to wait until you turned 12.  This was a big change!  Unfortunately Nathan was deployed so we had a big decision to make.  Do we wait until Nathan gets home or do it right away?  As much as Nathan wanted to be the one to ordain Easton, he felt Easton should get ordained right away.  Luckily Nathan's grandpa was more than willing to come out with Grandma and ordain Easton.

Easton got ordained on January 12, 2019

I bet not very many young men can say that their Great Grandpa ordained them to the Aaronic Priesthood.  I'm kicking myself that I didn't get a picture of Easton and Grandpa.  I'm not even sure how that even happened...

Nathan was able to face time us while Grandpa ordained him.  I'm not even sure if it is allowed but I guess Grandma can get away with it!  Haha!

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