Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Broken Toe and Valentines Day

Blair was outside playing with some neighbor friends.  She came in almost in tears saying she hurt her toe.  It was bleeding a little from the tip and nail bed so I put a band-aid on it.  Eventually she told me she was running off the porch (bottom porch) onto the trampoline (it's only about a foot off the ground) and then landing on the grass.  The last time she jumped she hit her toe on the metal bar of the trampoline on her way to the grass.  This happened Saturday.  By Monday she was still complaining that it hurt really bad and was walking on the outside of her foot.  I made a same day appointment for her.  The practitioner she saw didn't think she broke it but because the nail bed was damaged she sent Blair down to get an x-ray.  The practitioner said she would call us later with the news.  I brought Blair back to school only to turn around an hour later and bring her back to the hospital.  She did in fact fracture her toe and she had to go and get a tetanus shot.  Poor thing!  I felt really bad that I didn't get her in sooner, but really there wasn't anything to do other than buddy tape.

 Dyer and Blair had to make their Valentine's boxes for school.  Dyer wanted to do a minecraft spider.  I think it turned out pretty well.

Blair wanted to make a wolf.  I didn't want to go out and buy anything extra so we used only what we had on hand.  The only grey spray paint we had was more metallic than either of us wanted.  We ended up saying her box was a robo dog!  Blair seemed pleased with the end result.

Nathan made me this amazing video for Valentine's Day!

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