Sunday, April 24, 2016


We saw our first alligator in the swamp behind our house.  So scary!!!  Easton was looking out our back window and asked, "Is that an alligator, mom?"  I basically brushed off his question and said, "No Easton, we don't have alligators in our backyard!"  He then replies, "No, seriously mom!  It looks like an alligator's tail.  Come look!"  I go over to the window and look just to appease him and sure enough it looks like it could be an alligator's tail!  We couldn't find the binoculars so Nathan suggests I grab my camera and zoom in and sure enough it's an alligator!!!!!!!  I tired getting a picture of the alligator from our back deck but I wanted an even closer picture so Nathan went over to the neighbor's house and snapped one.  I went over to the neighbors dock and when I was about to step on the dock I almost stepped on a snake!  So gross!  I ran into the house screaming that I would never go outside again!  I've decided that I don't mind Florida in the winter but I'm not a fan of when things start warming up and crazy animals start appearing!  So far we've seen our pet alligator twice.  Our neighbor informed us that he's seen two (probably a boy and a girl)...dun dun duuuun!

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