Sunday, April 24, 2016

Disney World Animal Kingdom

The second day we went to Disney World Animal Kingdom.  We got there kind of late in the morning because everyone was exhausted from the day before.  
We stayed at the Art of Animation- Lion King.

My kids loved digging in Dinoland.  I think they spent most of their time here and they probably could have stayed longer if we would have let them.


Petting a weasel.

Meeting Pocahontas and Meeko:

I wish my camera had turned on three seconds earlier.  Blakely ran over to Pocahontas and jumped right into her lap almost knocking her over.  

We left Animal Kingdom once it was dark and headed over to Hollywood Studios so Nathan could ride the Star Wars ride.  We got there just in time too!  As soon as we got in the park they started the Star Wars firework show.  We watched the fireworks as we walked over to the ride.  As soon as the show was over Nathan and the three oldest jumped in line and basically walked on the ride.  As soon as they got off the ride they just started the Jedi Training so Dyer was able to watch Darth Vader battle while I took the two oldest on the ride again.  

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