Sunday, April 17, 2016

Disney World Magic Kingdom

In January we took the kids to Disney World.  Even though it rained (poured) the first morning we were there and we were wet most of the day we still had fun.  The one good thing about it raining so hard is that the lines weren't very long.

Blakely got to ride the carousel while the big kids rode the 7 dwarf ride. 

Dyer all wet from the rain and this was before we got drenched!

We went to story time with Belle.  Everyone but me got chosen to participate (even Nathan!) I'm glad that I got to record it!

Nathan as suit of armor.  

Easton as the Beast (he had to loudest roar!)

Blair as Philippe (Belle's horse). She had the best horse sound.

I love how much Blakely gets into it...

Dyer as the dish and Blakely as the wardrobe.

Poor Easton had no idea what was coming next....
I'm sure if he would have known he wouldn't have agreed to participate.

Dyer excited that the sun finally came out.  He was trying to dry himself off.

Look how curly Blakely's hair got from the rain!

As soon as we were basically dry the kids insisted that we go on slash mountain.  Luckily we didn't get very wet!  Nathan stayed behind to save seats for the parade.  We were just a couple minutes late and on the opposite side so we weren't able to cross and sit with Nathan.

Waiting in line for the Peter Pan ride.

Such a cheeser!


Little Mermaid ride

Meeting Rapunzel
Easton refused to get in on the picture.  I guess he is too cool to take pictures with princesses.  That or he was still embarrassed because he had to dance with Belle.

 Rapunzel kissed Dyer on the cheek!  Of course I missed it!  

Blakely was so excited to meet the princesses.  

Dyer refused to get in on this picture.  I guess he was worried that he would get kissed again!  Haha!

We went to Be Our Guest Restaurant for dinner.  Unfortunately, the only time we were able to get in was around 9 at night.  Blakely fell asleep waiting to be seated.  The rest of the kids were nodding off waiting for dinner to be served.  All the kids fell asleep before dessert was served.  Easton and Dyer woke up enough to take a couple bites of dessert but were begging to go to bed.  We had to wake up the kids to leave and as we were briefly looking around the castle Blair curled up in a ball in the middle of the marble floor to sleep.  It was so sad but funny!  The kids were so exhausted by the time we finally got to the hotel.  

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