Sunday, April 10, 2016

Star Wars Party!

Right before the release of the new Star Wars movie the community center put on a Star Wars party.  It was very cute!  Dyer was so excited to go but unfortunately about 20 minutes before we left Dyer threw up.  He was so sad and was begging to go.  I felt so bad because that was all he talked about the week leading up to it.  Nathan decided to drive separately in case he got sick again.  We drove down the street and sure enough he threw up again so Nathan took him back home.  Poor kid!

 You wouldn't guess from this picture that Dyer was sick...

 They had some people from a local martial arts center come in and break boards and cement blocks.  They also used "the force" to try and stab a watermelon with a straw.  It doesn't sound very difficult but the man who was trying to do it attempted it at least three times without succeeding.  They let the kids come up and try it.  Easton and some other boy were the only ones who succeeded!  Easton was too quick so I wasn't able to get it on film but I took a picture of him with his straw after the fact.

They also had a bunch of fun activities (Star Wars related) for the kids to do and cute treats (also Star Wars related) as well.  I pulled a Valerie and grabbed a bunch of things to bring home for Dyer so he wouldn't feel totally left out.  The kids even came home with goodie bags!

Blair with her best friend, Kiera.

Blakely with her fat lip.  
I can't remember now how she got it but I do remember it was huge and all bruised on the inside of her lip.  

Blakely and Easton were in the local newspaper.  Easton even got interviewed.  I have the clipping somewhere but I'm not sure what I did with it right now.

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