Sunday, May 8, 2016

Universal Studios Orlando

We had a ton of fun at Universal.  We were there for three days but I think we easily could have done it in two.  The kids were really excited about Harry Potter World and really wanted to get wands.  They each got some money from Gma Whiting and they also did a bunch of chores around the house to earn the money.  We didn't realize that they had interactive wands until two days before we left.  The kids had enough money for the regular wands but since the interactive wands were only $10 more Nathan decided to pitch in and get those for the kids instead.  The kids had fun casting spells all over Harry Potter World.

I'm not sure Blakely had much fun because she was too short to ride most of the rides.  The other kids however benefited from her not being able to ride by riding most rides twice.  Once with Dad and once with Mom.  

I didn't really understand some of their height requirements on some rides though.  Blakely was too short to go on a Dr. Seuss ride that was basically a train ride around Seuss land but she wasn't too short to go on a the Hippagriff roller coaster.  REALLY!?!  Also she was able to go on the Pteranodon Flyers ride.  This was a two person ride where one person sits in front of the other person with your feet hanging from the ride.  You are basically flying over everyone in the Jurassic play area.  It was a fun ride but it was scary watching your two year old swinging probably 20+ feet in the air and only strapped in by a lap seat belt.  Blakely loved both rides and wanted to ride them again.       

Day 2:

The kids loved the water slide at Fievel's playland.  I went on it with Blakely after she already went on it with Blair and Easton and was surprised how fast it went.  I'm not sure if it was faster with me because I weigh more or if it was always fast but this is another one that I was surprised that she was able to go on without an adult.

Day 3:
 On day three we just picked our favorites and went back to those rides.

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