Sunday, July 13, 2014

Library Summer Programs

We have two libraries in Vacaville and both have summer programs that happen to be right in the middle of when Blair has gymnastics (one on Tues. and one on Thurs.).  I tried to change Blair to the morning class but not enough girls signed up so we had to move back to the afternoon.  Luckily for us Valerie decided she would take the boys to the Tues. summer programs.  The boys seem to really like the programs and I'm sad that Blair doesn't get to participate.  Thanks to Valerie for taking the boys and taking pictures.

June 10th:
Watching the juggler eat fire.

Easton and Dyer

Playing in the fountain afterwards.

Drying off

So wet!

June 17th:

Watching the bubble lady.

Pure joy!

Easton getting in trouble by our "favorite" librarian.  "Dan the librarian man" aka my sister's boyfriend.

Bubbles!  I really hope Dyer wasn't trying to eat them like snowflakes.

More bubbles!

 June 24th:

Dyer and Kyron

Now that Valerie is out of town the boys now have to come to gymnastics.  Bummer!

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