Sunday, July 20, 2014

Easton swim

I can't remember but I either forgot my camera the first day or the battery was dead and then I hardly go any pictures/videos the second day before the battery died.

Easton did really well!  I was really impressed that he was swimming a lot by himself and he wanted to swim all by himself.  Unfortunately he didn't pass and I'm still not 100% sure why.  His teacher said he had everything down but because there is such a jump between this class and the next class with how far they have to swim on their own he thought it would be best for Easton to stay in this class and improve his skills before moving up.  Oh well, he passed in my opinion.

All the kids had swim at the same time and they were all in different classes so it was a little difficult to get pictures/videos of everything.

Day 3:
Swimming by himself with the kick board

Dunking himself underwater.  Easton kept getting in trouble from his teacher because he kept getting off the platform when it wasn't his turn.

Easton got a timeout because he wouldn't stay on the platform.


Swimming underwater


Day 4:

Swimming by himself most of the way out.

Kick board

Day 5:
They were training new life guards so all the kids had two instructors the second week of swim.

Swimming on back with kick board

Swimming under water.

Jumping in

Day 6:

Swimming by himself with the kick board

I left my camera at home on day 7 and my battery died on day 8 basically right when I turned it on.  Oops!  I knew I should have fully charged it...

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