Thursday, July 17, 2014

Blakely at 9 months!

Blakely finally said her first word!  Believe it or not it was "more"!  Haha!  I was feeding her mandarin oranges and I kept saying more and sure enough she kept saying more too!  Easton was impressed that she kept saying "more".  A couple days later she started saying "mama".  She has said "dada" too but she doesn't say it very often.  When you try and prompt her to say dada she will either say mama or just do raspberries!  Apparently she associates raspberries with Nathan.

Blakely has also started to pull herself up into a standing position.  She is in the early stages of cruising.  She will take a couple steps holding onto the couch but isn't very confident yet.  She has also taken a couple steps using her toy walker.

Blakely has her two bottom teeth completely in now.  I thought that she was also working on her top teeth but they haven't come through yet.  She was running a temperature last night so I think it is only a matter of time before they break through.  Poor girl was so miserable. Now that she has two teeth she wants to eat anything and everything and she basically does!  Valerie gave her a chicken bone on the 4th and she LOVED it!  We took it away from her briefly because we were worried a small part of the bone would come off and she flipped out!  She basically likes everything you give her but just this last week she has started to become a little picky.  She wasn't a fan of Nathan's french toast last weekend and today I cut up a hot dog into small pieces and she spit out every piece she put in her mouth.

 Blakely is a big girl!  The only thing nice about her being so big is that she fits in the same size clothes Blair wore in the summer months.  Blair was 3 months older than Blakely.  Blakely is currently in 12 month clothes and she is wearing size 4 shoes!  She basically skipped size 3 shoes!

Blakely hasn't had her 9 month well baby check up yet so I don't know her current statistics.  I couldn't get her an appointment until the 23rd of this month so she will technically be 10 months by then.  I'm curious how big she really is.

Blakely is signing "all done" now.  I've been really bad at signing with her and I need to do better!  She
just started waving "hi" to people.

Blakely's all about scrunching her nose right now and she pretty much does it all the time.

I finally had enough courage to leave Blakely with her first teenage babysitter!  Of course she did fine and surprisingly I think I did pretty well too!

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