Sunday, July 13, 2014

End of the school year for Easton

Easton's school didn't get out of school until June 19th.  They had some fun things the last week of school.  They invited all the families in for Ocean Day where the kids got to teach their families about all the ocean animals they learned about from their Ocean unit.  All the students made power points and then they had a cute presentation.  Easton's teacher made a video of all the pictures she took of the kids throughout the year.  It was really cute!

Easton's class

Silly face!

Close up

Video of the class singing a cute song.

Video of Easton reading his part:

Video: Easton's ocean joke.
Easton was kind of upset that someone knew the answer to his joke.

They also had an end of the unit Ocean Day where the kids rotated around all the first grade classrooms to different stations.

Touching shrimp, clams, oysters.  They also touched crabs and salmon at this station.

Easton holding a live lobster.

Last day of school. YAY!
We were running late so I didn't get all the pictures I wanted.  I figured I could get some after school but that didn't happen....I did manage to get one of Easton and Alex together.  We got one of them on the first day of school.

First day of school.

Blair and Blakely

Blair and Dyer fighting over who is going to push Blakely.

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