Sunday, July 20, 2014

Dyer swim

Dyer originally was in Blair's class but I think he was afraid of the platform and because of that he refused to do anything the first day.  I asked if he could be brought back down to the sea turtles since they are on the stairs.  Sure enough the next day he was right in the water doing everything his teacher asked him to do.

Dyer passed too!  I was pretty sure that he would but it would have been kind of embarrassing if he passed last year but not this year!

Day 2:
Dyer's new class.

Practicing kicks

Day 3:

He of course had to use the bathroom since he refused to go beforehand.

Dyer dunking his head under

He had to have his goggles this day!


Jumping in

He loves putting his head under.

Day 4:
Red light/green light

Going under water:

Train ride back from the slides.

Motor boat

Day 5:

Red light/green light

Swimming with kick board

Diving for a ring.

Jumping in

Day 6:

Day 8:
Last day of swim
Dyer went down the slide again this year but luckily he stayed up the whole way down unlike last year.

None of the kids wanted to continue with swimming which actually kind of surprised me.  They all seemed like they really enjoyed it and looked forward to it everyday.  They all decided they wanted to do gymnastics  instead so that is what we are currently doing.

Blair swim and gymnastics

Blair also did really well this year.  I think it helped that she had a girl teacher this year.  Blair finally passed!

Day 2:

Swimming with kickboard

Day 3:

Front starfish:

Blair dunking her head under.  She wouldn't let her teacher dunk her for the first two days.  I guess she has to be the one in charge.

Starting to swim by herself with the kick board.
Sorry it's a little shaky.  Blakely's on my back and moving around crazy.

Her teacher finally dunked her!

Jumping in

Day 4:

Dunking Blair under.

Swimming with the kick board a little bit on her own.

Day 5:

Swimming with kick board all by herself.

Swimming on back with kick board.

Diving for a ring

Jumping in

Day 6:
Front starfish

Day 8:
Last day of swim.  Blair and Dyer's class got to play in the splash zone.  Easton was a little sad that his class didn't get to.  My battery died so I took this with my phone.

Easton swim

I can't remember but I either forgot my camera the first day or the battery was dead and then I hardly go any pictures/videos the second day before the battery died.

Easton did really well!  I was really impressed that he was swimming a lot by himself and he wanted to swim all by himself.  Unfortunately he didn't pass and I'm still not 100% sure why.  His teacher said he had everything down but because there is such a jump between this class and the next class with how far they have to swim on their own he thought it would be best for Easton to stay in this class and improve his skills before moving up.  Oh well, he passed in my opinion.

All the kids had swim at the same time and they were all in different classes so it was a little difficult to get pictures/videos of everything.

Day 3:
Swimming by himself with the kick board

Dunking himself underwater.  Easton kept getting in trouble from his teacher because he kept getting off the platform when it wasn't his turn.

Easton got a timeout because he wouldn't stay on the platform.


Swimming underwater


Day 4:

Swimming by himself most of the way out.

Kick board

Day 5:
They were training new life guards so all the kids had two instructors the second week of swim.

Swimming on back with kick board

Swimming under water.

Jumping in

Day 6:

Swimming by himself with the kick board

I left my camera at home on day 7 and my battery died on day 8 basically right when I turned it on.  Oops!  I knew I should have fully charged it...

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Blair riding her bike!

Blair's now riding her bike without training wheels!  She still doesn't feel comfortable without Nathan running beside her but she can totally ride her bike by herself.

Video of Blair: end of June

Couple weeks later:
Good job Blair!

Too bad we can't get Easton back on his bike for more than a minute.  He crashed a long time ago and has been afraid to get back on.  When we do convince him to get on, he isn't that confident so he gives up quickly and heads inside.  He and Blair are probably on the same level since he refuses to practice.  He still wants Nathan to hold him/run beside him when he is on briefly.  

Fairytale Town and other random pictures on my phone

Blair has been begging me to take her to Fairytale Town for forever now.  I wanted to take her around her birthday but things got super busy so we had to wait.  I remembered my camera but for some strange reason I forgot it in the car and I didn't realize it until we were already in the park.  I really didn't want to drag all the kids back to the car so I just took some pictures on my phone instead.  It turned out to be a great day.  The weather was nice, there wasn't too many people, and the kids had a blast!  The best part was we didn't have to pay since we are military!  I guess military get in free from memorial day to labor day.  The kids are already asking to go back.

Going down the slide together.  I was a little too slow taking the picture.  

Easton and Blair are so competitive with each other!

Inside King Arthur's Castle.

Wizard of Oz

Miss Blakely chilling in the stroller.

Leaving Fairytale town.

Random pictures from my phone...
Easton shaved his head with my razor in the shower!?!  I'm glad he didn't cut himself.  I was just telling him earlier that day that I needed to cut his hair.  Apparently I need to keep those thoughts to myself so he doesn't take matters into his own hands.  What's also funny/annoying is that I was just telling my neighbor (Rebel) that I needed to get the kids' yearly pictures taken.  Yes, we waited about a month so his hair could grow out a little.  Thank goodness for faux hawks so we could kind of hide his bold spot!

This is how we roll in the Kelsey house!  Dyer used to conveniently forget to put his underwear on after he used the bathroom and on this particular day he fell asleep without his underwear on!  Dyer's also famous for putting his underwear on backwards (think thong and you have the right idea)!  I keep forgetting to get a picture of it.  

I found Blakely sleeping like this one day.  Totally does not look comfortable!  I really wanted to get a picture of her about a month ago when she kept falling asleep sitting up.  Her legs were hanging out the side of the crib and her face was smashed up against the crib.  I can't imagine why she kept waking up.  I really wanted to run and grab my camera but I felt bad leaving her in that position when she was trying so hard to sleep.    

I love moments like this!  
They don't happen all that frequently but when they do, they sure are special.  I was lucky to catch this moment on the way to school.

Camp out in the playroom!

The other day Blair was telling Nathan about some bracelets I bought her that day.  Nathan asked her, "why do you think mom bought those for you?"  I'm pretty sure Nathan was looking for the answer, "Because she loves me!" but instead Blair said, "Because I'm AWESOME!"