Monday, June 30, 2014

Preschool end of the year picnic and Blair's graduation

Blakely's first time eating watermelon.  She seemed to like it.

Happy baby!

We went to a splash pad park for Blair's end of the year picnic.  Most everyone got there around 9 but the water didn't turn on until 11.  All the kids were anxiously waiting for the water to come on.  As soon as it did I'm pretty sure everyone was out of the water within minutes.  It was sooo cold.  

Dyer all curled up!  I thought for sure he was going to fall asleep there but he never did.

Blair and some of her preschool buddies.

Dyer and Valerie

Mia LOVES babies and wouldn't leave Blakely's side.  She had to constantly feed Blakely which I know Blakely didn't mind.  I'm sure Blakely was in heaven.

Blair graduated from preschool on May 30th (Easton's birthday).

"D is for drawing the best that we can."  Blair can be so shy sometimes.  


Blakely woke up half way through the graduation but she was as happy as can be so I just left her in her carseat.  I'm glad she was content so I could get some pictures and videos.

Dyer spent most of his time shadowing Valerie.  Hopefully none of the parents cared because it would have been more of a distraction/scene if I would have tried to make him sit next to me.

Blair graduating!

I did grab Dyer once Valerie was handing out diplomas because I'm pretty sure the parents didn't want Dyer in their child's photo.  Luckily I had fishy crackers to distract the little man.

Preschool graduating class.

Blair Bear

Ms. Laurie, Blair, and Ms. Valerie

Wow!  I can't believe that my little Blair Bear will be going to Kindergarten this school year.  She is so excited!  I just hope she gets a good teacher.

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