Sunday, June 29, 2014

Gymnastics Pre-Team and Fiesta Days Parade

Back in April, Blair was asked to join the gymnastics pre-team.  She has learned a lot and seems to be really enjoying it.  She goes twice a week now.  I've been really bad at taking pictures/videos since she joined the pre-team but I've gotten some.  I need to do better.

Beam dismount: cartwheel into a handstand and then dismount.

beam work



Over Memorial weekend Vacaville has Fiesta Days.  Blair was asked to walk in the parade.
Blair all ready for the parade in her gymnastics costume.

She has gotten a lot better at her handstands!  Her heals should be touching though.

Warming up

Excited but nervous for the parade.  Blair was the only one from her team to show up so she didn't know anyone.  She insisted that I walk with her.  I was glad that I did so that I could spot her.

Dyer watching the Parade.


Valerie, Dyer, and Easton.  It was really HOT!

Dyer checking out the motorcycles (of course)!

Blakely and Nathan


Sorry it's so shaky.  Nathan was trying to film with Blakely on his lap.  She makes it kind of difficult to stay steady.  

Blair is right in the middle.

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