Thursday, June 12, 2014


Easton played T-ball again this year and ended up on the Pirates again.  He went back and forth whether or not he liked it.  He told me he wanted to play so I signed him up and then he told me he didn't want to play.  I think he just wanted to play a sport and because his best friend, Nicholas, was playing baseball he decided he wanted to too.  I don't think he realized he could have done something other than baseball.  During the season it seemed like it was torture for Easton to be there.  He even told me during one game, "this is a waste of my time!"  I was kind of glad that his coach constantly cancelled practice.  After his last game I asked if Easton had fun this year and he told me YES!  My reply was, "REALLY?!?"  He then said that he would like to play again next year!  I think next year I might give him a lot of different choices and see what he decides.

First game of the season!

He played first base a lot this year.

Do you notice his glove on his head?  He got bored very easily.

Giving 5's to the other team.  


Throwing the ball home.

Cheer section

Blair being a stinker!

These moments didn't happen all that often.

I believe this was the moment he told me, "this is a waste of my time!"  He was sitting down and I told him to stand up and get ready.

Different faces of Easton.  He looks like an old man here!  Haha!

This is what I will remember of him playing baseball....Playing in the dirt/chalk. 

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