Thursday, June 12, 2014

Easton's field trips and helping out in his classroom

I usually go into Easton's classroom every Wednesday to help out.  Thank goodness for Valerie otherwise I probably wouldn't be able to do it.  Blakely comes with me and all the kids adore her.  They have all been a part of her life since before she was born.  They all think of her as their little sister.  It is too cute!

One with "Grandma"

Easton's first field trip was to the landfill.  It actually wasn't as bad as I was thinking it would be.  After the landfill the kids went to a local park downtown and then made their own personal pizzas at pizza pucks.

Funbi, Easton, and I

Easton's class

 Easton's second field trip was to the ballet "Mutiny".  I was worried what Easton would think but he really liked it.  It didn't hurt that the story was about pirates.
Easton, William, and I.

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