Sunday, June 29, 2014

Blakely at 8 Months!

Yes, Blakely is 9 months now.  Now that things have slowed down a bit I can hopefully start catching up on the blog.  Things have been crazy busy around here with 4 birthdays, Father's day, everything related to end of the school year, Nathan's test, talk and lesson in church (yes these are very time consuming and stressful for me), etc.  phew!  Let's get started....

Blakely officially started crawling on Easton's birthday (May 30th)!  I guess that probably should have waited until her 9 month post but oh well!  She was getting around just fine rolling, scooting on her butt, pushing herself backwards and gradually moving forward a little bit, but on the 30th it just magically clicked.  She got up on her hands and knees and basically took off and hasn't looked back since.  She is a lot happier now that she is mobile.  She hates being left alone and will still cry if you leave the room but more times than not she will just follow you from room to room.

Not the best video....

4 days later:

Blakely finally cut her first two bottom teeth on the 30th as well!  Such a big day for her!

I find this strange but Blakely LOVES the vacuum!  Most babies are afraid of the vacuum (or at least my other three kids were).  My three oldest would cry and basically "run" away from the vacuum.  Not Blakely!  She will crawl after it and gets so excited when it is close enough for her to touch.  I have to make sure I know exactly where she is at all times because I worry that I will either trip/step on her or she will get her fingers caught under the vacuum.

Blakely LOVES food!  I swear this girl is never full.  She will eat and eat and eat all day if you let her.  That probably explains why she still pukes because she doesn't ever want to stop.  She will basically eat anything and everything (or at least try to).  This girl puts everything in her mouth.  It is amazing the things we constantly find in her mouth.  You think the room is clear of anything small and dangerous but within seconds she has something small and/or dangerous in her mouth.  Once I take something away she will find something else.  I'm starting to think she is magical or hides things in her diaper because no matter how well I scan a room and think it is good to go she finds something.  It's an amazing talent of hers.

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