Monday, June 30, 2014

Easton's Birthday!

Easton turned 7 this year.  I made cupcakes for his baseball team the night before and some for his class at school the day of.

Baseball cupcakes

School cupcakes-girls

School cupcakes-boys

girl and boy cupcake

Easton wanted to go to Chuck E Cheese for his birthday.

Valerie didn't end up coming so I got to hang out with Dyer.  It was really nice to spend some time with him.


Birthday boy!

Easton really wanted to do the ticket blaster for his birthday.  Luckily our kids think you can only do it once a year around your birthday.  Haha!  I'm not going to correct that one.

All ready to go!

Ticket Blaster!

The little cheater did pretty well.  I didn't realize until I was looking back at the video that I think he picked up the 1000 ticket.  Oops!  The worker didn't say anything so I guess it was okay?

Luckily we had just enough left over cupcakes from his team and class so I didn't have to whip anything up.

Finally opening gifts!  The poor boy had to wait all day long!

I love Blair and Easton's reaction!

Thanks Grandpa and Grandma Whiting!

Thanks Gma!

I guess she is saving it for later!

Thanks Valerie!

Thanks Grandma Gretch!

Easton had a wonderful birthday and was definitely spoiled!

Preschool end of the year picnic and Blair's graduation

Blakely's first time eating watermelon.  She seemed to like it.

Happy baby!

We went to a splash pad park for Blair's end of the year picnic.  Most everyone got there around 9 but the water didn't turn on until 11.  All the kids were anxiously waiting for the water to come on.  As soon as it did I'm pretty sure everyone was out of the water within minutes.  It was sooo cold.  

Dyer all curled up!  I thought for sure he was going to fall asleep there but he never did.

Blair and some of her preschool buddies.

Dyer and Valerie

Mia LOVES babies and wouldn't leave Blakely's side.  She had to constantly feed Blakely which I know Blakely didn't mind.  I'm sure Blakely was in heaven.

Blair graduated from preschool on May 30th (Easton's birthday).

"D is for drawing the best that we can."  Blair can be so shy sometimes.  


Blakely woke up half way through the graduation but she was as happy as can be so I just left her in her carseat.  I'm glad she was content so I could get some pictures and videos.

Dyer spent most of his time shadowing Valerie.  Hopefully none of the parents cared because it would have been more of a distraction/scene if I would have tried to make him sit next to me.

Blair graduating!

I did grab Dyer once Valerie was handing out diplomas because I'm pretty sure the parents didn't want Dyer in their child's photo.  Luckily I had fishy crackers to distract the little man.

Preschool graduating class.

Blair Bear

Ms. Laurie, Blair, and Ms. Valerie

Wow!  I can't believe that my little Blair Bear will be going to Kindergarten this school year.  She is so excited!  I just hope she gets a good teacher.

New Clothes!

Grandma Gretch sent the kids an Easter package but we were in Washington when it arrived so we had to wait until we got home to open it.  The kids got lots of fun goodies.  My favorite part of course was the clothes : )

Don't ask me about the hair!?! Blair is just a wild child!



Valerie went to Dominican Republic over spring break and brought all the kids back a shirt. 

This is me attempting to get a group shot.  Haha!  I need to get the kids in for their yearly pictures.  It should be interesting to see how those turn out.  

Cutie pie!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Gymnastics Pre-Team and Fiesta Days Parade

Back in April, Blair was asked to join the gymnastics pre-team.  She has learned a lot and seems to be really enjoying it.  She goes twice a week now.  I've been really bad at taking pictures/videos since she joined the pre-team but I've gotten some.  I need to do better.

Beam dismount: cartwheel into a handstand and then dismount.

beam work



Over Memorial weekend Vacaville has Fiesta Days.  Blair was asked to walk in the parade.
Blair all ready for the parade in her gymnastics costume.

She has gotten a lot better at her handstands!  Her heals should be touching though.

Warming up

Excited but nervous for the parade.  Blair was the only one from her team to show up so she didn't know anyone.  She insisted that I walk with her.  I was glad that I did so that I could spot her.

Dyer watching the Parade.


Valerie, Dyer, and Easton.  It was really HOT!

Dyer checking out the motorcycles (of course)!

Blakely and Nathan


Sorry it's so shaky.  Nathan was trying to film with Blakely on his lap.  She makes it kind of difficult to stay steady.  

Blair is right in the middle.