Friday, March 28, 2014

Blakely at 6 months!

I can't believe that Blakely is already 1/2 year old!  She had her doctor's appointment on Monday and her stats were 17.2 lbs (73%), 27.17 in (92%) and head 17 in (70%).  Such a tall baby girl!

 She is eating solid foods a little better now even though she still blows raspberries when she eats!  She almost finishes everything I prepare for her.

She is sleeping a lot better now and usually doesn't wake up until about 6-6:30 now.  

I just love her chunky legs!
Blakely is starting to get stranger anxiety.  We were at Costco last week and she started crying when she couldn't see me and only the workers.

She is sitting up a lot better by herself now!  As long as something doesn't distract her she is pretty good at staying up for a long time.  She has started to sit up in shopping carts now!  She can only handle it for a short amount of time before she starts fussing and wants me to hold her instead.  So spoiled!

Blakely is getting worse at not wanting to be alone.  She expects me to hold her basically every second she is awake.  Just seeing me is not enough.

Blakely is still not moving forward but can move really fast around in circles.  She is so close to moving forward.  

She finally found her toes and loves sucking on them!

Some fun laughing videos.  I actually got her laughing a lot today but unfortunately I didn't get it on video....darn!

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