Friday, March 28, 2014

Kelsey kids at their best...

Easton came home from school and as usual I asked him how his day was.  He said he was good at the beginning and end of the day.  Of course I was curious about the middle so I asked him what happened.  He said he got in trouble for "farting" in class.  The first thing I ask him is if he said, "excuse me" and he reassured me he did.  Not sure why that was a problem, I asked him why he got in trouble.  He said it was because he did it in class and not in the bathroom.  Maybe that's true but I'm assuming there is more to the story that he isn't telling me.  Unfortunately, everything I came up with as to why he might have got in trouble (doing it on purpose, laughing about it, etc.) he told me it didn't happen.  Then he said later that same day someone else farted but wouldn't confess to it.  He said everyone thought it was either him or another boy.  He then told me he and the other accused boy lost a listening star because of it.  REALLY?!?  Again, I tried figuring this out (maybe he was making a big deal out of it, arguing about it, etc.) and still every explanation I came up with he told me it didn't happen.  He said he lost the listening star because they accused him of lying.  He assured me that it wasn't him and that he wasn't lying.  Easton: "I never lie!"  I'm not always the best at hiding my thoughts because I'm sure the look on my face said, "I know that's a lie!"  Easton looks at me with a mischievous look and says, "What?!?....I never school."  Me: "You never lie at school huh?  What about at home?"  Easton: "Well, yeah!......But I haven't lied in about a month!"

Easton and Blair were playing Bey Blades before school but I told them they had to stop and get ready for school.  Blair yells to Easton, "Don't worry Easton, our little BRO will take care of them!"

We were eating breakfast and Blair asks what day it is.  I told her Tuesday and she asked if that was church day.  I said, "No, it's Dyer's day to go to preschool but you'll go with him while I take Easton to school."  Dyer chimes in, "That's UNBELIEVABLE!"

I don't know what it is about my kids and ripping them these days but Dyer (just started this week) thinks it is hilarious to "toot" on purpose.  He lets one rip and he says, "I tooted" as he tries really hard to not laugh but then can't help but laugh and laugh and laugh.  Well, after he ripped one the other day he kindly came up to me and asked if he could sit in my lap.  I thought it was so cute that he wanted to cuddle with me.  I'm sure you know where this is leading to.....Yep, he strained really hard and let it rip!  Such a punk!  If it wasn't for that contagious laugh of his, I probably would have been mad, but unfortunately you can't help but laugh with him!

Well, since we are on the subject of farts/toots/ripping them/whatever you want to call them....Blair definitely has a way of defending herself.  Almost without fail if you tickle Blair to the point where she is laughing really hard she will fart.  And because she thinks it is hilarious that she farted she will accidentally do it again.

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