Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Blakely at 5 Months!

Okay she is closer to 6 months than 5 months now but most of these were taken about a week after she turned 5 months.

Blakely can now sit up by herself for a good chunk of time before she falls over.  She is still working on her balance though.  She sat up for a good 2 minutes 2 days before she turned 5 months!

2 days before she turned 5 months!

Blakely started eating rice cereal earlier this month and is just kind of starting to tolerate it!  Most of the time when I put the cereal (now a veggie with it) in her mouth she spits it out while doing raspberries.

Blakely still sleeps in my room, but that is mainly because Nathan is currently gone and I don't want to sleep by myself.  Also, Blakely for the most part still gets up at least once a night to eat and it is so much more convenient to have her in the pack n play next to me.  I'm sure she doesn't need this extra feeding so I probably will need to start the cry it out phase (which I dread) here shortly.  I'm sure Nathan would prefer I do this before he gets back.  This little girl has a set of lungs on her and believe me when I say she can put up a fight.  She is not a quitter when she wants people to know how she really feels about something.

I thought Blakely would be moving a lot more than she is.  It's about the same as last time-rolling around and moving in a circle but she is doing it a lot faster now.  She has moved forward a little bit to grab something just out of reach but that is about it.  She probably needs more tummy time to practice.

I wish I could hold this little girl all day long!  She would prefer it and I would prefer it, but unfortunately I have a lot of other responsibilities I have to take care of.  Darn it!  This little girl is just so happy and content as long as someone is holding her and giving her attention.  Unlike the other kids, Blakely probably LOVES church.  There's generally a line of people waiting to get their hands on her.  She is definitely very LOVED at church!

She is also very LOVED in Easton's classroom.  Blakely and I go and help out in Easton's classroom every Wednesday and most of the kids are so excited to see her.  They get super excited when they get to be in my group so they can read to the baby!  Most of the girls want to be right next to Blakely and when I say right next to Blakely I mean they have to be touching her.  It's a good thing that Blakely likes the attention and doesn't mind that her bubble is invaded.

We sure love this sweet little girl.  I just wish I could freeze time and keep her this little forever!

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