Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Nathan's Birthday!

We celebrated Nathan's birthday a couple days early since he wasn't going to be home on his actual birthday.  He is currently in DC for a Radiology study review course.  We can't wait until he comes home!  We celebrated by going to Chuck E Cheese.  Nathan claims he wanted to do something he knew the kids would enjoy but secretly I think he is still a kid at heart!  It's okay though because my favorite thing is to go to the zoo.  After Chuck E Cheese we came back and had cheesecake and opened gifts.

We didn't have any candles (I thought we had some but we must have used a ton of them for my birthday last year) so we improvised and used a match instead!  Oops!

At least it was easy to blow out!

We hoped to be sneaky by hiding a birthday candy card in Nathan's luggage so he would have something while he was away, but he found it before we even got it in there.  We still sent him with it!  Hopefully he is enjoying all his treats!

We love you Handsome!  Sorry you had to spend your special day all alone.  

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