Tuesday, April 15, 2014

End of March/Early April

Late last month I woke up around 6:30 to something rattling the front door.  I thought for sure someone was trying to break into my house.  We have a window right next to our front door so I was trying to look out of it from my bedroom doorway.  Of course it was just starting to get light outside so I really couldn't see anything.  The rattling stopped so I thought the person must have gave up or maybe they saw me and left.  About a minute goes by and it happens again.  I look at the window again and the next thing I see is Dexter (our cat) climbing the doorway outside our house.  By the time I got downstairs he was in the top corner holding on for dear life!  Dexter got out the night before and refused to come back in so I just left him outside for the night.  I told Nathan about the story later that day and afterwards he said, "It looks like you had a cat burglar!" 

He got out again today and it started raining so he wanted back in!

One Sunday afternoon Blair was watching a kid Bible movie and she yells down to me, "Mom, come watch a movie with me!  It's a God movie!"  I wasn't sure if I heard her right (I thought maybe she was saying, "It's a good movie!") so I asked her to repeat what she said.  "Come watch the God movie with me!.....I mean the Heavenly Father movie!  It's really special!" 

On April Fools Dyer came down for breakfast so I gave him a fake banana to eat.  He actually put it in his mouth and tried biting it!  Once he realized it was fake he threw it at me.  I asked him if he would like pancakes instead.  He got all excited until he realized they were fake too!  Again he threw them at me so I asked if he wanted an egg.  "That's not real!  I want something ALIVE!"  I played the same trick on Blair and Easton but they were just confused at first and then thought it was funny!  I switched up the kids' clothes (Easton had Dyer's clothes and Dyer had Easton's clothes and then Blair had Blakely's clothes).  Blair was actually trying to get Blakely's dress on because she really thought it was hers.  They have the same exact dress!  Blair was really confused that she couldn't get is over her head!  Silly girl!  Easton and Blair thought it was hilarious.  I played a couple tricks on Easton's lunch and snack today so it will be fun to see what he thought about those later today! 

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