Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Washington County Fair

Grandpa and Grandma Whiting took us to the Washington County Fair.  The kids had a blast and there were tons of fun things for the kids to do!

Blair milking the cow.

Video of Blair milking the cow:

Easton and Dyer playing in the corn feed pit.

Dyer loved playing in the water and hogging all the rubber duckies.  He could have stayed here all day if we would have let him.

Easton had fun pumping the water.

Blair finally got into the action.  She was feeling car sick before we got there so I think it took her a while to feel better.

Easton, Blair, and Dyer
Dyer was not happy that we took him away from the water table.

We went to a dog show.  They won America's Got Talent.

Video of a dog jump roping:

Thanks Grandpa and Grandma.  They kids had a great time!

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