Wednesday, August 28, 2013

10 year high school reunion!

I had my 10 year high school reunion this year (I know I'm getting old!) and decided last minute to go.  I really wasn't sure I wanted to go for a couple reasons.  For starters I was (still am) a huge pregnant lady and really didn't want to show up looking huge!  Also, I left my home town 10 days after graduating high school to start college and basically never came back (except for small trips to visit my family) so I really haven't kept in contact with very many people.  Overall, I just thought it would be weird and awkward!

I thought about just going up to visit family but Nathan encouraged me to go to my reunion especially if I was going to be in the area.  Nathan had to work so he wasn't going to be able to go with me.  I convinced my best friend, Shannah, to be my date.  It was great to catch up with her.  I'm just sad that we didn't get any pictures together.  I even had my camera with me the whole night and I didn't take a single picture!  I'm so lame!  Anyways, there were definitely weird and awkward moments (and my belly was definitely a conversation starter-haha!) but overall I'm glad that I ended up going even if I was more than ready to leave before the reunion was over!

I hate pictures but here is a glimpse of what I looked like:
32 (almost 33) weeks!

Special thanks to my mom and sister for dressing and styling me!  They also made me pose (blah)!

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