Saturday, August 31, 2013


My mom really only gets Monday off from work to go and do fun things (she also gets Sunday off).  Unfortunately I was only in Washington for one Monday but we definitely made the most of it.  My mom heard about this really fun resort that just recently opened to the public on weekdays.  Before it was only open for private parties.  There was so much to do and it only cost $5 for everything!  The kids had a blast and didn't want to leave.  My kids even begged to go back the next day!

Waiting to get in!

Train ride!


Made it out of the maze!

Pirate ship


Bounce house

Just ignore Blair's underwear...I should have known better than to put her in a skirt!



Jacqui and Adisyn

Paddle boats!

This little one was too scared to go!

Feeding the fish


Mini golf!

The kids also went swimming in the pool but I forgot to take my camera out.

Paddle boats again!  This time Blair was brave enough to get in!

Lemonade drinking fountain! 

Thanks Grandma Gma!  Everyone had a wonderful time!

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