Saturday, August 31, 2013

End of Washington Trip

We met up with Shannah at a park for a couple hours.  Again, I brought my camera but only managed to take one picture...

Blair and Savannah

Valerie flew up to help me with the car ride back home!  Such a lifesaver!  

We took the kids to the library for the summer program.

Kadyn got picked to go up and help with a magic trick.

Then, Ashlyn got picked to help with another magic trick.  
I wasn't surprised that one of the kids got picked since there were 7 kids with us and the odds were pretty good but I was surprised that two got picked and they were from the same family!

Dyer was so tired he fell asleep in Valerie's arms.  I definitely had to document this because this rarely ever happens.

The rest of the pictures are from Valerie's camera.  We all know how bad I am at remembering to take pictures!
We even managed to put Dyer in the car without waking him, took him out of the car without waking him, and put him on a bed at my Dad's house without waking him.  He must have been exhausted!

Hanging out with Grandpa

One happy little guy after his long nap!

Comparing our bellies!  I should have made my dad turn sideways like me so we could have gotten a better comparison.  

Feeding the fish

Raiding Grandma's garden!

Stopping for lunch at "Old McDonald's".  The kids were pretty well behaved on the way home but I'm still glad that Valerie insisted that she ride down with me because I was so exhausted about three hours from home and could hardly keep my eyes open.  It was definitely nice to have another driver.  Plus, Dyer got car sick and Valerie cleaned him up for me!  Thanks Valerie!


My mom really only gets Monday off from work to go and do fun things (she also gets Sunday off).  Unfortunately I was only in Washington for one Monday but we definitely made the most of it.  My mom heard about this really fun resort that just recently opened to the public on weekdays.  Before it was only open for private parties.  There was so much to do and it only cost $5 for everything!  The kids had a blast and didn't want to leave.  My kids even begged to go back the next day!

Waiting to get in!

Train ride!


Made it out of the maze!

Pirate ship


Bounce house

Just ignore Blair's underwear...I should have known better than to put her in a skirt!



Jacqui and Adisyn

Paddle boats!

This little one was too scared to go!

Feeding the fish


Mini golf!

The kids also went swimming in the pool but I forgot to take my camera out.

Paddle boats again!  This time Blair was brave enough to get in!

Lemonade drinking fountain! 

Thanks Grandma Gma!  Everyone had a wonderful time!


Gma and cousin Aaron!

Aaron (7), Kadyn (6), Easton (6), Dyer (2), Blair (4), Ashlyn (5), Aiden (4)

Silly picture!

It definitely wasn't planned but I thought it was interesting/fun that everyone matched!

One with baby Adisyn (20 months)

Adisyn and Dyer

Blair and Ashlyn

These two had a lot of fun together!  It's nice to have another girl around when you're surrounded by boys most of the time!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Playing at the river


Video of the kids throwing rocks into the water:



Aiden, Easton, Aaron, and Blair
I thought it was funny how intrigued they all were.

Video of Blair dipping her head in the water:
She kept on doing this.  Silly girl!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Camas Day Parade

Grandpa and Grandma are part of a walking group.  Every year someone in their walking group (the same person) opens up their house for a potluck brunch before the parade starts.  Their house is right at the beginning of the parade so it is definitely an ideal spot for kids to get candy!  The kids had a blast and they definitely got way too much candy!

Eating before the parade starts.

Boy cousins (Aiden, Easton, Aaron, and Dyer) waiting for the parade to start!

Grandpa tickling Blair!

Video of the kids collecting candy:
I love how Dyer knows he isn't supposed to go into the street and is trying really hard to figure out how to get the candy without stepping into the street.

Video of Jana:
Bringing back OLD memories of when she was a cheerleader!

Video:  Notice his backpack!

For those of you who don't know Camas (my hometown) is known for the papermill.  In fact the high school mascot is the papermakers (or the mean machine).  It wouldn't truly be a Camas Parade if they didn't throw toilet paper out!

My sister,Jana, with the loot!

Good old Ronald McDonald.

This reminds me that my kids call McDonald's "Old McDonald's" and Chick fil-a "Chick Vallejo"!  I'm pretty sure after the city Vallejo, CA.  I think it is way to cute to correct them!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

10 year high school reunion!

I had my 10 year high school reunion this year (I know I'm getting old!) and decided last minute to go.  I really wasn't sure I wanted to go for a couple reasons.  For starters I was (still am) a huge pregnant lady and really didn't want to show up looking huge!  Also, I left my home town 10 days after graduating high school to start college and basically never came back (except for small trips to visit my family) so I really haven't kept in contact with very many people.  Overall, I just thought it would be weird and awkward!

I thought about just going up to visit family but Nathan encouraged me to go to my reunion especially if I was going to be in the area.  Nathan had to work so he wasn't going to be able to go with me.  I convinced my best friend, Shannah, to be my date.  It was great to catch up with her.  I'm just sad that we didn't get any pictures together.  I even had my camera with me the whole night and I didn't take a single picture!  I'm so lame!  Anyways, there were definitely weird and awkward moments (and my belly was definitely a conversation starter-haha!) but overall I'm glad that I ended up going even if I was more than ready to leave before the reunion was over!

I hate pictures but here is a glimpse of what I looked like:
32 (almost 33) weeks!

Special thanks to my mom and sister for dressing and styling me!  They also made me pose (blah)!