Monday, July 22, 2013

Kid Pics

I finally got around to getting the kids' yearly pictures done at JCPenney.

The kids

Easton 6 years old

Blair 4 years old

Dyer 2 years old

31 weeks pregnant with baby #4

We will definitely get pictures again once she decides to come!  Less than 8 weeks!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Who does baby #4 look like?

I got a 3D ultrasound today.  Here are a couple pictures of our baby girl.  I included pictures of the other three kids when they were newborns.  Can you tell who she is going to look like?




 Picture taken by Christine Larsen Photography

Monday, July 15, 2013

Petting Zoo and Snow Day

I love that the library has free activities to do with the kids all summer long.  We are lucky that we have two libraries in our town so sometimes we get twice the activities in one week!

Petting Zoo:

Easton petting a goat

touching the chickens

petting the bunnies

Dyer and the llama

This Llama loved Dyer's hair.  He kept licking his head.  

Snow Day:
Someone brought a truck bed full of snow and just dumped it on the grass.  Even though there wasn't very much snow the kids still had a great time throwing snowballs at one of the library workers and me!  They also had a snow cone maker!

Dyer and Blair enjoying their snow cones.


All three kids

Video of Easton and Dyer:

Video of Dyer:

Video of Blair:

Easton throwing snowballs at me.

Dyer had to get in on the action too!

I updated the blog a lot so make sure and check all the posts out!

Train Ride

Mr. Roger (Valerie's husband) works on Amtrak as a conductor.  He has invited us to come on the train for about a year now and just this week we finally made it happen.  The kids were so excited and had a great time.  Before they got on the train someone at the train station gave each of the kids their own conductor hat and crayons to color the inside of the hat.  They also got a train whistle.





Dyer and Mr. Roger

 Dyer was Roger's little shadow.  He followed him all over the train helping him collect tickets.

Dyer and Mr. Roger

Dyer just loves Mr. Roger


Valerie and Blair



Dyer and I even though Dyer wouldn't cooperate!


Chuck E. Cheese

The kids all got sick right after we got back from our vacation.  They all had fevers and Easton was complaining that his throat hurt.  The all took naps (Blair and Dyer took 2!) all day Monday so I got lots of things done (laundry, car cleaned out, vacuumed, and washed).  I even got a 30 min. nap too!  As much as I don't like my kids being sick it was actually a very quiet and enjoyable day.  

We had to do tons of errands all day Tuesday and the kids were really good so I decided to treat them to Chuck E Cheese the next day.

Dyer and Chuck E Cheese.  
I think Dyer rode this ride at least 10 times.  He loved that he got his picture taken with this ride.


Easton and I playing a game together.

Blair won the jackpot and got 489 tickets!

30 Week picture!  
As of yesterday 7/14/2013 I only have 9 more weeks to go!

4th of July

As always I wish that I would have taken more pictures.  The kids had a blast and want to go back to see all their family.

The kids once they finally crashed their first night at Grandma Gretch's house.

Grandma Gretch and Blair

Dyer being a monkey with his Uncle Blake.

Dyer just loved all the guys in the family (Uncle Blake, Uncle Andy, and cousin Kaiden).

Easton playing Frisbee.

Video of Easton and Nathan playing Frisbee:

Easton sliding down the hill with his cousins.


Video of Easton:

Playing tug of war (kind of):

Grandma Gretch got tons of glow sticks/bracelets/necklaces for the grand kids!

Blair wanted me to take a picture of her glowing in the dark.

None of the kids stayed awake for the entire firework show.  The show started an hour late because search and rescue were looking for a guy in the water.  They eventually found the body early the next morning.  So sad!