Sunday, October 1, 2017

McKinley at 5 months!

First time trying solid food-rice cereal!

The kids wanted McKinley to dress up with them.

Almost sitting up on her own.

Ride rides are so much better now!  She hardly cries in the car now!  It is music to my ears!  I almost left her in the car once because she was so quiet I didn't realize she was still in the car.  Luckily I realized it even before I walked in the front door.  That scared the crap out of me and thankfully I've never done that again!  

She has started solid foods and I'm not sure what she thinks of it.  She usually gives a sour/gross face the first bite or two but usually eats the food she is given.  She is hard to feed though because she hardly opens her mouth and more times than not her tongue gets in the way.  She continues to be a slow eater...

She loves those toes!  

She finally figured out how to roll from her back to her stomach!

We've had a few nights where she has slept through the night! She might be ready to transition to the girls room...

Finally got her giggling on tape....Don't you love the milk spit up?

Finally got her on video rolling over from back to stomach!

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