Sunday, October 8, 2017

Dyer football

Dyer started out really liking football but he mentioned about a week ago that he might want to play soccer next year...Maybe he'll like flag football better?  In the beginning of the football season he was playing half the game but ever since he missed a game (he was sick throwing up) it seems as though he is playing less and less.  Yesterday's game he only played in the 4th quarter for only 4 plays!?!  He doesn't seem very bugged by it but it's bugging me and Nathan.  Last week Dyer only played in the 4th quarter and Nathan only saw Dyer for one play because he had to leave early to take Easton to his game.  With only one game left for regular season it almost doesn't seem worth it to ask his coach why he isn't playing.  Dyer's team has done really well this season though.  They've lost two games but they were both really close games.  One of the games they lost on the very last play!  If they win their last game they should go to the Boom Boom Bowl!

Dyer had to go against the other teams tallest player (#20).  

I had to laugh because that one player would not let go of Dyer until he had him on the ground!

The guy was at least a head taller than Dyer!

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