Sunday, October 8, 2017

McKinley at 6 months!

McKinley is basically a pro at sitting up!  Every once in a while after sitting up for what seems like forever she will try and look behind her at something and randomly fall over.

I couldn't get her Dr. Appointment at 6 months so she'll have it at 7 months!

McKinley started sleeping in the girls room but she kept waking up a lot at night so she's been mostly back in our room.  Sometimes I have her take naps in the girls room.  Once she starts sleeping through the night again I'll try and move her back.  This has been difficult transitioning her because every one else (minus Blair for a couple months) have had their own room as a baby.  

 McKinley is definitely a mommy's girl!  She loves most everyone as long as I'm holding her and will give big smiles.  She lets some people hold her but generally as soon as she sees me she reaches out for me to grab her.  I have a hard time getting things done when she is awake because she cries anytime I'm further than a 3 foot radius from her.  She watches me like a hawk!

 She is still a slow eater and she doesn't eat a whole lot!  She will generally eat about 1/2 a thing of baby food a day but it takes forever!  She prefers to play and suck on the belt buckle than her food.  She enjoys eating baby puffs and yogurt melts.

Recently breast feeding has been taking a long time too because she is always distracted!  If someone is around (which is most of the time) she has to know what they are doing.

I got her to say "Mama"

Just for fun who does McKinley look the most alike???

Easton 6 months

Blair 6 months
Dyer 6 months

 Blakely 6 months

Easton football

Easton's team really hasn't done all that well.  So far they have only won 1 game.  Last weeks game they were tied at the end of the game but went into overtime.  They lost by 1 point.  I think they should win next weeks game since the team they will be playing hasn't scored a touch down yet.  Easton mentioned a few weeks ago that he might want to play football next year.  I think if he mentions it again I might suggest flag football unless he grows a ton this next year.  He was so much smaller than most of the players.  Easton was playing special teams this year and there was one game where they didn't do kick offs because the other team didn't have enough players that could run the ball.  That means that most of the team was over 125 lbs!!!  That is basically twice as big as Easton!  Yesterday's game was the first time that I've seen Easton be a little aggressive.  He got knocked down pretty hard yesterday and I think that knocked some fear out of him.  He was actually getting in on some of the action (blocking and pushing back).  

Someone's mom on Easton's team takes a bunch of pictures so that is why I've got some pictures of Easton.

Dyer football

Dyer started out really liking football but he mentioned about a week ago that he might want to play soccer next year...Maybe he'll like flag football better?  In the beginning of the football season he was playing half the game but ever since he missed a game (he was sick throwing up) it seems as though he is playing less and less.  Yesterday's game he only played in the 4th quarter for only 4 plays!?!  He doesn't seem very bugged by it but it's bugging me and Nathan.  Last week Dyer only played in the 4th quarter and Nathan only saw Dyer for one play because he had to leave early to take Easton to his game.  With only one game left for regular season it almost doesn't seem worth it to ask his coach why he isn't playing.  Dyer's team has done really well this season though.  They've lost two games but they were both really close games.  One of the games they lost on the very last play!  If they win their last game they should go to the Boom Boom Bowl!

Dyer had to go against the other teams tallest player (#20).  

I had to laugh because that one player would not let go of Dyer until he had him on the ground!

The guy was at least a head taller than Dyer!

Blakely starts soccer

Blakely and her friend Beckham started a soccer clinic together.  It meets every Friday for an hour.  The nice thing is it is in the morning when the rest of the kids are at school and it is inside so we all stay nice and cool.

Blakely ready for her first day of indoor soccer!

She got a jersey once we got there.  

Blakely and Beckham
Blakely is 10 days younger than Beckahm

We went to Wendy's after their 3rd week and Blakely tries to convince us that we need to go there after every week.

  Last week!

Kim and I decided to sign them up for another 6 weeks!  

1st day of school

The week leading up to school starting I was thinking that the summer went by way too fast and I wasn't ready for the kids to go back to school.  However, the day before school started the kids were horrible!!!  I swear they were fighting non stop all day long.  After that long day I was soooo ready for them to go and give me a break!  
Ready for school!

Easton-5th grade

Blair-3rd grade

Dyer-1st grade

If you ask Blakely she will tell you that she goes to home school!

Valerie was here for their first day!

Waiting for the bus

Group picture.  If I would have known that I was going to get my picture taken I would have not been in my pjs.

We saw a random dragonfly on Nathan's car.

Easton sure loves his baby sister.

And they're off...

Someone's a little too excited!  
Like I said they were horrible the day before so we needed a little break from them.

I was trying to throw Blakely in the air but I forgot how much bigger she is now...

Nathan had the morning off and was finally able to see the kids off on their first day of school.

Valerie and McKinley
We briefly met up with Jen Gapinski and her three little ones at the base park.  Jen just got back from Japan.  We knew them back in California.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

McKinley at 5 months!

First time trying solid food-rice cereal!

The kids wanted McKinley to dress up with them.

Almost sitting up on her own.

Ride rides are so much better now!  She hardly cries in the car now!  It is music to my ears!  I almost left her in the car once because she was so quiet I didn't realize she was still in the car.  Luckily I realized it even before I walked in the front door.  That scared the crap out of me and thankfully I've never done that again!  

She has started solid foods and I'm not sure what she thinks of it.  She usually gives a sour/gross face the first bite or two but usually eats the food she is given.  She is hard to feed though because she hardly opens her mouth and more times than not her tongue gets in the way.  She continues to be a slow eater...

She loves those toes!  

She finally figured out how to roll from her back to her stomach!

We've had a few nights where she has slept through the night! She might be ready to transition to the girls room...

Finally got her giggling on tape....Don't you love the milk spit up?

Finally got her on video rolling over from back to stomach!


If my kids are constantly taking pictures of themselves, does that mean that I don't take enough pictures and need to do a better job?

Poor Blakely!  
She stepped on a plastic bin to try and reach her clothes hanging up in her closet and she fell through and cut herself on sharp pieces of plastic.  A few days later I bought an extension bar so now all her clothes are at her height.  No more climbing for her.  

McKinley turns 5 months!  The kids absolutely adore her!

My kids love posing for pictures and they (Blair) love taking pictures on my phone.

We went to the end of the summer reading program at the library.  They had some animal adventure program with some interesting animals.  This is a kinkajou.  

Legos at the library
Easton's master piece

Blair's master piece

I got these inflatable soccer goals on sale at walmart.  I thought the kids would have fun with these but it seemed as though I was torturing them.  Maybe when the weather gets cooler we will try again!

Breakfast in bed!  Easton was so sweet.  I wasn't feeling well (head cold) the night before so he decided that he would wake up early (he set his alarm) and make me breakfast!  

I tried to rest but this is how most of my day went....
Valerie heard that I was sick and decided she needed to come out and help.  Haha!

The kids wanted to help clean for Valerie's arrival!

Such great helpers!

And she's here!

The boys decided that they wanted to play football!
Dyer at tryouts

Easton's first day of practice!