Sunday, July 9, 2017

Spring Break

Nathan's sisters and our nephew came into town shortly after my mom left town.  The kids were on spring break for most of the visit so they were able to hang out with family.  We had a little fun but we also put them to work.  I don't think any of us realized how much work we were all getting ourselves into...

We put new sod in our front and side yard.  It was originally just going to be our front yard but we ordered way too much and ended up doing the side yard hoping it would take.  Surprisingly enough it did!  I should have taken before, during and after pictures but I didn't...It looks so good though!

Sidewalk Chalk

A leprechaun came and visited us.  He played some tricks on the kids and also left some yummy gold!

Saw Beauty and the Beast

Went to the beach and then Aunt Kaity took a nap while watching the kids!

Went out to eat a couple times and went shopping

Remodeled the main bathroom (this was my Christmas gift from Nathan)

                      before                                                          after

                      before                                                           after

                      before                                                          after

                           before                                                   after

Made a collage in my front entry 

It looks really cute but I can't get a good angle....

This is what it looks like now that I updated the pictures!

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