Sunday, July 9, 2017

McKinley at 1 month

McKinley still hates being naked!  She does alright taking a bath when she is in the water but the second she is pulled out she starts screaming!  She's doing better at diaper changes.  

McKinley has had the hiccups at least once a day since birth!  Sometimes she gets them three times a day! 

I've always had fairly easy babies, but McKinley has been a challenge for me.  I feel as though I'm a new parent and I have no clue what to do with her!  She is so different than the rest of the kids.  I've started to call her high maintenance for many reasons. 

She's getting better at latching on and eating!  Before it would take at least 5 minutes to get her to latch on correctly!  If you've ever breast fed, the first week or two can be painful especially when your trying to get the baby to latch on.  Having a baby latch on and come off a million times before your breasts are tough enough is extremely painful!  On top of that she likes to eat every 2 hours almost exactly on the dot!  You can't feed her even 5 minutes before the 2 hours or she will throw a massive fit and refuse to eat.  If you wait too long...again another massive fit!  Let's just say that my life revolves around this little girl's feeding schedule!   

She hates the car!!!  All my other babies loved the car.  The second they were placed in the car they were asleep!  I could take them on long car rides and usually I would have to wake them up after a few hours to feed them.  Not McKinley!  The second she is placed in the car it's high pitched, full on bloody murder screams until we reach our destination!  Let's just say that I dread going any where that is longer than 15 minutes away.

She wakes up about every 2 hours to eat at night.  

She loves lights!  She could stare at them all day!

She loves being held!  Luckily for her she's been spoiled with lots of family in town and hasn't been put down a whole lot since she's been born.

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