Sunday, July 9, 2017

Random things going on

Cute little McKinley!  

Story time at the library!  

Blakely and I freaking out while Grandpa is having mini seizures!  Okay we weren't freaking out too much this time since we knew basically what was going on.  But we had to pass the time somehow while we kept an eye on Grandpa and waited for Nathan to get home...

McKinley at 6 weeks

I took the four youngest kids to some free thing they had at a local national park.  They had a bunch of activities for the kids could do.  Easton had his robotics competition that day.  I really wanted to go and see him compete, but it was an all day thing and I knew the younger kids wouldn't have been able to sit through the whole thing.  

Making gak

Looking and touching sea creatures

Making arrowheads

Painting T-shirts

April Fools Day:

Ostrich egg?!?

Grilled Cheese sandwich?!?

Dyer had a field trip to the strawberry patch.  The two youngest girls and I drove up and surprised Dyer there.

Blair taking pictures on my phone again...

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