Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Nathan was supposed to take the boys on a father/son camp out with our ward but the weather was horrible so they decided to stay home and camp inside instead.

Roasting hotdogs

Eating smores

and more smores

Tent up and ready for bed (pretending to be tired and sleepy)

Only half of us ended up sleeping in the tent that night....

Kelsey Kids

Grandma Gretch gave all the kids new clothes when she came to visit.  Here they all are dressed up for church!

One of McKinley and me.  
Thanks to Blair for stealing my phone and taking a picture of us.

Happy Mother's Day to me!

Pirates at the park

Parrot balloon

Bunny balloon?!?  
The pirates told the kids they could choose between a parrot or a sword and Blakely came back with a bunny...yep she doesn't listen!  Good thing (for her) that she is cute and can get away with things.

Sword balloon

Side view of the parrot

One of the kids gave McKinley a pirate flag!

Blair's Baptism Announcement Pictures

We drove all over Bluewater Bay trying to get the best picture and I think her best picture was the very last one we took just outside our house!  Haha!  

McKinley at 2 Months

I took all the older kids' pictures to update our wall.  I thought it would look nice to have the brick wall behind them.  I guess I didn't realize how hard it would be to take a picture of a 2 month old with the same background.  I had Nathan hold her up at first  but it wasn't the right angle.  Next I tried the Bumbo chair but she didn't like sitting in it and kept hitting her head on the brick wall behind her.  Then I tired lying her down on the fireplace brick but the bricks weren't lined up right and the lighting was horrible!  I was at a loss and it was frustrating!  A few days later I tried the Bumbo again but she was miserable outside in the heat so I tried inside again.  After many failed attempts I finally got one that I could live with.

McKinley still has the hiccups at least once a day!  I think it is crazy that she has had the hiccups for over 60 days in a row.  Luckily it doesn't stay for very long but it still happens every single day!

She still hates the car!  AHHHH!!!  She is such a good baby as long as she is not in the car!  Seriously what is it about the car that she hates?!?  It's funny because she doesn't mind the car seat as long as you are carrying her in it but the second you put it down, she cries.  When I go grocery shopping I have to wear her or else she cries the whole time.  I guess it works out okay since there really isn't a whole lot of room in the basket when her car seat is in there.

 We are finally getting some cute smiles from this little one!  

McKinley is by far the best kid at tummy time!  She tolerates it way better than any of my other kids!

She is getting up about once a night now to eat.  During the day she is still eating about every 2 hours.  We rarely go anywhere until this little girl has a full tummy!  We seem to have better luck in the car when she has just been fed.

At her 2 month Dr. Appointment she was 22.48 in and 10 lbs 9 oz.  She's in the 50% for both height and weight.  Her head is in the 20%.  So Dyer has been trying really hard to find something that he and McKinley have in common.  (Easton and McKinley both have butt chins and blue eyes.  McKinley is basically Blair's mini me.  Blakely and McKinley are girls....)  One day Dyer exclaims, "I know what McKinley and I have in common!  We both have really BIG heads!!!"  I didn't have the heart to tell him that he was in the 90% for his head where as McKinley is only in the 20%.  Haha!

Updated kid and family pictures

Blakely (3), Easton (almost 10), McKinley (2 months), Dyer (almost 6), Blair (almost 8)

Easter Fun

Dyeing Easter eggs

Easton basically dunked his egg in a color and went right back to the computer...

We went to the Niceville egg hunt.  They have four different fields for different ages but they have them all go at the same time!  It makes it a little difficult when you have many kids in different age groups.  Nathan went with Blakely, I went with Dyer, and I sent Easton with Blair since Easton was technically too old to participate.  Easton was so cranky that he was forced to come but couldn't participate.  Luckily for him the person over at Blair's field told him to go ahead and hunt for eggs.  It totally made Easton's day!

Our Ward did an egg hunt

McKinley doing what she does best!