Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Trip to Washington

Easton had two weeks off for Spring Break so I decided to take the kids up to Washington to see family.  On the way up we stopped at McDonald's (of course) to eat.  It just so happened that we stopped at one that had a play place and it had some fun instruments that made music when you played on them.

The kids had fun playing on the toys but looking back I probably shouldn't have let them play as long as I did because we got to Portland right in the middle of rush hour traffic.  There was a wreck too so it took forever to get across the bridge into Washington.  I'm definitely not a fan of traffic but when you have traveled 9+ hours with 4 kids before getting stuck in traffic, it SUCKS!  All of us were beyond done before we hit traffic so you can only imagine what it was like that after that!  We were so excited when we finally made it to Grandma's house!

The kids made Easter cupcakes with the cousins after dinner.

Blakely just watched but she was so happy to finally break free from her carseat!

We went and saw Grandpa and Grandma Sharon the next morning.
Grandma Sharon with Blakely

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