Sunday, May 18, 2014

Blakely at 7 months!

Just in time!  Blakely turns 8 months tomorrow so I had to get this post done by today!  Yes, I know I'm a slacker!  Since we were on Vacation I couldn't do the usual monthly shots on the rocking chair.  I had every intention to take some on the rocking chair once we got home but ya that didn't happen....Oops!  At least I did a little photo shoot of her on Easter while Dyer was sleeping.

 She was having a hard time sleeping for a while and I thought she was getting teeth but still no teeth yet!

I thought for sure that she would be moving forward by now but just yesterday she finally moved a few inches forward army crawling.  She does manage to get around by rolling, pushing backwards, turning in circles, and her latest scooting on her butt.  She can actually get pretty far by scooting!  So cute!

She's finally sleeping in her own room now.  As soon as we got home from vacation I finally gave in and separated myself.

I hate that this little girl is growing up way too quickly.  Our neighbor has a little girl that is 2 months older than Blakely.  If you look at the two of them together you would think that Blakely was the older of the two by at least 2 months.

Video of her babbling!
This little girl loves eating and I'm not sure she knows when to stop.  I think she would eat all day if I would let her.  Sometimes I'm impressed by the amount of food this little girl can pack away.  

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